
Intermediate Collision Investigation
Advanced Collision Investigation
Collision Reconstruction
Pedestrian/Automobile Investigation
Forensic Mapping
Intermediate Collision Investigation

This course is ideal for the new collision investigator. The first two and a half days focus on correctly assessing and documenting scene evidence so that a scale diagram can be drawn. During class, students are taken to local intersections where they can apply learned measuring techniques. They are then required to integrate drawing methodologies taught in class and draw a scale diagram of the scene. The next two and a half days introduce the students to simple mathematics that allow them to use six very basic equations. They are not only taught how to conduct proper skid tests, the students participate in an outdoor activity in which they actually conduct skid tests. This is an excellent introductory course for an advanced level course.

Delta Collison, Consulting & Training


  • Math Review

  • Road Evidence

  • Diagramming

  • Equations

  • Skid Testing

Students are given a compass and drawing templates.

Students are asked to provide their own calculator.

Advanced Collision Investigation

This course teaches collision investigators the technical aspects of a collision investigation. Students are exposed to higher level mathematics, trigonometry and simple physics concepts. The course also introduces the techniques used to investigate airborne events and offers a very thorough introduction to and application of the Conservation of Momentum. The instruction explains all these concepts in a manner that is easy to grasp and understand. The math is presented in such a simple, easy to understand language, this course could be titled "Crash Investigation for Dummies." Students that complete this training are well prepared for the follow-up Collision Reconstruction course.

Delta Collison, Consulting & Training


  • Newton’s laws of motion

  • Diagramming

  • Energy based equations

  • Trigonometry

  • Airborne Events

  • Linear Momentum

Students are given a compass and drawing templates.

Students are asked to provide their own calculator.

Collision Reconstruction

This course is for collision investigators who have completed an Advanced level collision course and are seeking to expand on their knowledge as collision investigators by learning other methodologies to reconstruct collisions. Concepts taught in an advanced course are reviewed and then supplemented with new concepts, such as time/distance analyses that can be used to conduct a thorough investigation. Students are given assignments to reconstruct actual collisions and then present their findings in a mock courtroom environment that serves to enhance their presentation skills.

Delta Collison, Consulting & Training


  • Explanation of math constants

  • Time/Distance Analyses

  • 360° Degree Method of Momentum

  • Principle Direction of Force

  • Delta v

  • Vector Sum Diagrams

Students are asked to provide their own calculator and drawing templates.

Pedestrian/Automobile Investigation

The investigation of pedestrian collisions presents very special considerations, probably more so than typical vehicle vs. vehicle collisions. This course is designed to give students a new understanding of scene evidence assessment and documentation with emphasis regarding the human body. There is also a lengthy discussion addressing the measurements needed from the striking vehicle, which are applied to specialized pedestrian equations. This course also features simulated impacts (vehicle vs. anthropomorphic dummy) that allow the students to apply learned methodologies for calculating vehicle impact speeds.

Delta Collison, Consulting & Training


  • Medical and Vehicle Terminology

  • The Pedestrian, Vehicle, Driver and Environment

  • The Crash Scene

  • Pedestrian Crash Analysis

  • Introduction to Formulas

  • Crash Tests and Exercises

Students are asked to provide their own calculator and drawing templates.


Using new drawing software can be very intimidating. In many cases, the intimidation factor is so high; some choose not to use the software at all. This course removes the intimidation. The step-by-step presentation format demonstrates how to easily ARAS 360HD can perform even complex tasks. The course begins with simple drawing techniques and gradually incorporates additional features to help the user eventually create awesome 2D and 3D animations. Each student is provided with a manual that shows how every process is accomplished. Did you forget how to do something that was taught in the 3 day course? The text and pictures in the manual help remind a user how to accomplish any previously learned task.

Delta Collison, Consulting & Training


  • Interface and Tools Tour

  • Drawing Tools

  • ARAS Earth and Google Earth

  • Line Coding

  • Creating and Working with Measurement Logs

  • Advanced Features

  • Animations

  • CRUSH Measurements

  • Working with Cameras

  • ARAS Lighting Features

Forensic Mapping

Total Station technology has fast become the industry standard for Forensic Mapping or documenting dimensions of a crime scene. Sadly, most companies that sell systems to law enforcement agencies do not provide adequate training in the proper use of the system. At best, they offer very basic set up information and do not broach the complex situations most investigators face. Delta Collision Consulting and Training fills in the blanks for the agencies. The 5 day course begins by teaching students exactly how the system does what it does. They are introduced to the protocol that must be employed to reduce error and increase accuracy. Because investigators may ultimately testify in court regarding the use of the total station, discussion pertaining to the Daubert rule is also presented. Throughout the week, there are several hands-on projects designed not only to teach students how to complete various mapping exercises, but also increase their retention.

Delta Collison, Consulting & Training


  • What is a Total Station?

  • ABC Spells CHEVYDX

  • Basic Set Up

  • Moving Your Total Station

  • Outside v Inside

  • CRUSH Vehicle Measurements

Student to instrument ratio should not exceed 3:1

Students should have a laptop loaded with any drawing program